Digital Caricatures, Virtual Caricatures

It was a a YALE of a time!

Angel has a YALE of a time…virtually! (Full disclosure, that is probably one of the worst post titles to date!) At any rate…INDEED Yale U invited your friendly neighborhood Caricature artist To continue his antics at Yale University  for the Summer Discovery event! The third of three dates that brought virtual caricatures out of the […]

Digital Caricatures, Virtual Caricatures

Um…yeah I drew at UM

University of Michigan invited your friendly neighborhood Caricature artist To add some laughs to their summer discovery event! As if they didn’t learn their lesson the last time, the Virtual Caricature gig is back in full ferocity! This group of wonder kids jump in the water with a piranha like cartoonist and were eaten alive!

Digital Caricatures, Uncategorized

I Got me a Virtual UTA! And it was worth it!

University of Texas…AUSTIN! Invited your friendly neighborhood Caricature artist…Angel to their digital fun room! Indeed the evening of July 10th couldn’t have been more fun! As far as my grandson was concerned as he was no where near this job! But the students who participated in this shindig had a virtually great time getting their

Digital Caricatures, Uncategorized

Angel, Ellen and Adam draw BITS by bit!

A grand time with the folks at Business IT Source, Inc. The folks at this burgeoning corporation were amazing. Take note of the variety of styles of the artists! Ellen has a seasoned and distinctive cartoon style-she has been a Chicago staple in the Caricature market for decades. Adam’s style is full of personality and

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